Note: This notebook demonstrates how to use DINO
callback with a single GPU.
First import fastai for training and other helpers, you can choose not to use wandb by setting WANDB=False
from import *
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
WANDB = False
from fastai.callback.wandb import WandbCallback
import wandb
raise ImportError("Please run '!pip install wandb' on another cell to install wandb")
Then import self_supervised augmentations
module for creating augmentations pipeline, layers
module for creating encoder and model, and finally simclr
for self-supervised training.
from self_supervised.augmentations import *
from self_supervised.layers import *
from self_supervised.models.vision_transformer import *
from import *
from import get_swav_aug_pipelines
In this notebook we will take a look at ImageWang benchmark, how to train a self-supervised model using MoCo algorithm and then how to use this pretrained model for finetuning on the given downstream task.
def get_dls(size, bs, workers=None, n_subset=None):
path = URLs.IMAGEWANG_160 if size <= 160 else URLs.IMAGEWANG
source = untar_data(path)
if n_subset is None: files = get_image_files(source)
else: files = np.random.choice(get_image_files(source), n_subset)
tfms = [[PILImage.create, ToTensor, RandomResizedCrop(size, min_scale=1.)],
[parent_label, Categorize()]]
dsets = Datasets(files, tfms=tfms, splits=RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.1)(files))
batch_tfms = [IntToFloatTensor]
dls = dsets.dataloaders(bs=bs, num_workers=workers, after_batch=batch_tfms)
return dls
ImageWang has several benchmarks for different image sizes, in this tutorial we will go for size=224
and also demonstrate how effectively you can utilize GPU memory.
Define batch size, resize resolution before batching and size for random cropping during self-supervised training. It's always good to use a batch size as high as it can fit the GPU memory.
bs, resize, size = 64, 256, 224
Let's create a ViT DINO model.
deits16 = deit_small(patch_size=16, drop_path_rate=0.1)
deits16 = MultiCropWrapper(deits16)
dino_head = DINOHead(deits16.encoder.embed_dim, 2**16, norm_last_layer=True)
student_model = nn.Sequential(deits16,dino_head)
deits16 = deit_small(patch_size=16)
deits16 = MultiCropWrapper(deits16)
dino_head = DINOHead(deits16.encoder.embed_dim, 2**16, norm_last_layer=True)
teacher_model = nn.Sequential(deits16,dino_head)
dino_model = DINOModel(student_model, teacher_model)
xtra_config = {"Arch":"deits16", "Resize":resize, "Size":size, "Algorithm":"DINO"}
wandb.init(project="self-supervised-imagewang", config=xtra_config);
Initialize the Dataloaders using the function above.
dls = get_dls(resize, bs, n_subset=None)
Next step is perhaps the most critical step for achieving good results on a custom problem - data augmentation. For this, we will use utility function from
but you can also use your own list of Pipeline augmentations.
should be enough for most of the cases since under the hood it uses self_supervised.augmentations.get_multi_aug_pipelines
and self_supervised.augmentations.get_batch_augs
. You can do shift+tab and see all the arguments that can be passed to get_simclr_aug_pipelines
. You can simply pass anything that you could pass to get_batch_augs
including custom xtra_tfms
excepts size for random resized cropping of the 2 views of a given image and the rest of the arguments are coming from get_batch_augs()
aug_pipelines = get_dino_aug_pipelines(rotate=True,
blur_s=(4, 16))
# aug_pipelines = get_swav_aug_pipelines(num_crops=[2,6],
# crop_sizes=[224,96],
# min_scales=[0.25,0.2],
# max_scales=[1.0,0.35],
# rotate=True, rotate_deg=10, jitter=True, bw=True, blur=False)
Here, we will feed the augmentation pipelines and leave temperature parameter as default.
class SaveModelCallback(TrackerCallback):
"A `TrackerCallback` that saves the model's best during training and loads it at the end."
_only_train_loop,order = True,TrackerCallback.order+1
def __init__(self, monitor='valid_loss', comp=None, min_delta=0., fname='model', every_epoch=False, at_end=False,
with_opt=False, reset_on_fit=True):
super().__init__(monitor=monitor, comp=comp, min_delta=min_delta, reset_on_fit=reset_on_fit)
assert not (every_epoch and at_end), "every_epoch and at_end cannot both be set to True"
# keep track of file path for loggers
self.last_saved_path = None
def _save(self, name): self.last_saved_path =, with_opt=self.with_opt)
def after_epoch(self):
"Compare the value monitored to its best score and save if best."
if self.every_epoch:
if (self.epoch%self.every_epoch) == 0: self._save(f'{self.fname}_{self.epoch}')
else: #every improvement
if self.new_best:
print(f'Better model found at epoch {self.epoch} with {self.monitor} value: {}.')
def after_fit(self, **kwargs):
"Load the best model."
if self.at_end: self._save(f'{self.fname}')
elif not self.every_epoch: self.learn.load(f'{self.fname}', with_opt=self.with_opt)
dino_cb = DINO(aug_pipelines=aug_pipelines,
grad_clip_cb = GradientClip(max_norm=3., norm_type=2.)
save_cb = SaveModelCallback(every_epoch=20, with_opt=True, fname='dino_pretraining')
nan_cb = TerminateOnNaNCallback()
cbs=[dino_cb, grad_clip_cb, save_cb, nan_cb]
if WANDB: cbs += [WandbCallback(log_preds=False,log_model=False)]
learn = Learner(dls, dino_model, opt_func=Adam, cbs=cbs)
Before starting training let's check whether our augmentations makes sense or not. Since this step consumes GPU memory, once you are done with inspection, restart the notebook and skip this step. We can see that 2 views of the same image side by side and indeed augmentations look pretty good. Now, it's time restart the notebook and skip this step.
b = dls.one_batch()
Use mixed precision with to_fp16()
for more GPU memory, larger batch size and faster training . We could also use gradient checkpointing wrapper models from self_supervised.layers
to save even more memory, e.g. CheckpointSequential()
Learning good representations via contrastive learning usually takes a lot of epochs. So here number epochs are set to 100. This might change depending on your data distribution and dataset size.
max_lr = 2.5e-4
lr_sched = combine_scheds([0.1,0.9], [SchedLin(0.,max_lr), SchedCos(max_lr,1e-6)])
wd_sched = SchedCos(0.04,0.4)
param_scheduler = ParamScheduler({"lr":lr_sched, "wd":wd_sched}), cbs=[param_scheduler])
if WANDB: wandb.finish()
# class MultiCropWrapper(nn.Module):
# """
# Perform forward pass separately on each resolution input.
# The inputs corresponding to a single resolution are clubbed and single
# forward is run on the same resolution inputs. Hence we do several
# forward passes = number of different resolutions used. We then
# concatenate all the output features and run the head forward on these
# concatenated features.
# """
# def __init__(self, backbone, head):
# super(MultiCropWrapper, self).__init__()
# # disable layers dedicated to ImageNet labels classification
# backbone.fc, backbone.head = nn.Identity(), nn.Identity()
# self.backbone = backbone
# self.head = head
# def forward(self, x):
# # convert to list
# if not isinstance(x, list):
# x = [x]
# idx_crops = torch.cumsum(torch.unique_consecutive(
# torch.tensor([inp.shape[-1] for inp in x]),
# return_counts=True,
# )[1], 0)
# start_idx = 0
# for end_idx in idx_crops:
# _out = self.backbone([start_idx: end_idx]))
# if start_idx == 0:
# output = _out
# else:
# output =, _out))
# start_idx = end_idx
# # Run the head forward on the concatenated features.
# return self.head(output)
# state_dict = torch.load("/home/code-base/extra_space/dino/checkpoint.pth")
# student = deit_small(patch_size=16, drop_path_rate=0.1)
# student = MultiCropWrapper(student, DINOHead(student.embed_dim, 2**16, norm_last_layer=True))
# student_dict = OrderedDict({".".join(k.split(".")[1:]):v for k,v in state_dict['student'].items()})
# student.load_state_dict(student_dict)
# student = deit_small(patch_size=16, drop_path_rate=0.1)
# state_dict = torch.load("./models/model_99.pth")
# for n,p in student.named_parameters(): = state_dict[f'0.encoder.{n}']
def get_dls(size, bs, workers=None):
path = URLs.IMAGEWANG_160 if size <= 160 else URLs.IMAGEWANG
source = untar_data(path)
files = get_image_files(source, folders=['train', 'val'])
splits = GrandparentSplitter(valid_name='val')(files)
item_aug = [RandomResizedCrop(size, min_scale=0.35), FlipItem(0.5)]
tfms = [[PILImage.create, ToTensor, *item_aug],
[parent_label, Categorize()]]
dsets = Datasets(files, tfms=tfms, splits=splits)
batch_tfms = [IntToFloatTensor, Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)]
dls = dsets.dataloaders(bs=bs, num_workers=workers, after_batch=batch_tfms)
return dls
class Classifier(Module):
def __init__(self, vit_backbone, n_feat_layers, n_classes, lin_f=1024, lin_drop=0.3, pooling='avg'):
self.vit_backbone = vit_backbone
self.n_feat_layers = n_feat_layers
self.pooling = pooling
out_dim = self.vit_backbone.norm.weight.size(0)
if self.n_feat_layers == 1: in_f = 2*out_dim
if pooling == 'avg': in_f = out_dim
elif pooling == 'cat': in_f = out_dim*n_feat_layers
self.mlp = create_cls_module(in_f, n_classes)
def forward(self,x):
out = self.vit_backbone.get_intermediate_layers(x,self.n_feat_layers)
if self.n_feat_layers == 1:
# cat [CLS] token and avgpooled output tokens from the last layer
cls_token, output_tokens = out[0][:,0],out[0][:,1:]
x =[cls_token, output_tokens.mean(1)], dim=1)
# avgpool or cat [CLS] tokens from last n layers
out = [o[:,0] for o in out]
if self.pooling == 'avg': x = torch.stack(out,dim=0).mean(0)
elif self.pooling == 'cat': x =, 1)
else: raise Exception("Pooling should be avg or cat")
return self.mlp(x)
x = torch.randn(4,3,224,224).cuda()
cls_model = Classifier(student, n_feat_layers=1, n_classes=10).cuda()
optdict = dict(sqr_mom=0.99,mom=0.95,beta=0.,eps=1e-4)
opt_func = partial(ranger, **optdict)
bs, resize, size = 64, 256, 224
dls = get_dls(size, bs=bs//2)
cls_model = Classifier(student, n_feat_layers=1, n_classes=dls.c)
learn = Learner(dls, cls_model, opt_func=opt_func, metrics=[accuracy,top_k_accuracy],
def finetune(learn, epochs, lr=1e-3, wd=1e-2):
learn.fit_flat_cos(epochs, lr, wd=wd)
final_acc = learn.recorder.values[-1][-2]
return final_acc
5 epochs
When training with all layers trainable model underperforms very bad, which is different than than the resnet pretrained models which perform pretty good e.g. SWAV XResNet34. In contrast, when fully frozen DEIT+DINO performs decent on the downstream task. This might be related to ViT characteristics and/or easy overfitting.
state = torch.load("./models/dino_pretraining_180.pth")
student = deit_small(patch_size=16, drop_path_rate=0.1)
student_dict = {}
for k in state['model']:
if 'student' in k:
student_dict[".".join(k.split(".")[3:])] = state['model'][k]
student.load_state_dict(student_dict,strict=False) # strict=False ignore MLP head
optdict = dict(sqr_mom=0.99,mom=0.95,beta=0.,eps=1e-4)
opt_func = partial(ranger, **optdict)
dls = get_dls(size, bs=96)
# cls_model = Classifier(student, n_feat_layers=1, n_classes=dls.c)
# cls_model = Classifier(student, n_feat_layers=2, n_classes=dls.c)
cls_model = Classifier(student, n_feat_layers=2, n_classes=dls.c, pooling='cat')
def model_split(model):
groups = L([model.vit_backbone, model.mlp])
learn = Learner(dls, cls_model, opt_func=opt_func, metrics=[accuracy,top_k_accuracy], splitter=model_split,